Sheng siong allegedly sell noodle stating all Chinese belong to communist party
Singapore Uncensored·2021-01-02 17:00
non Finance, non loan, non property, non banking, non credit card
Source: HWZ
User recently posted a picture of a product which was sold at Sheng Siong which allegedly states that “all Chinese belong to the Communist Party”.
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pcg 07/01/2021
Sheng Siong need to Carry Favour to CCP or No more Food from China
Fengying 07/01/2021
Sheng Siong most products take from Malaysia maybe China products is cheaper and more varieties to choose too
chillchill 06/01/2021
got communist stated there meh I read every character never seen a single word on 共产党
amy ng 05/01/2021
Sg is different for China. Sg is democratic where as China is communist. if u go on say it this way, US will no longer protect us.
amy ng reply sg fake white man 06/01/2021
their technology is more advance. furthermore, china is using US technology n business like Alibaba, TiTok, Hwawei smart phone. US is more to be trusted than China.
amy ng reply sg fake white man 06/01/2021
in the 90s, I watch the news, China say it want to be Democratic's, now it become communist. this is how China is liar n cannot b trusted.
amy ng reply sg fake white man 06/01/2021
don't u know at beginning good to u, at the end, bad to u. this is how China change from democratic to communist.
pcg reply amy ng 07/01/2021
CCP Can Never Ever be Trusted Those who Trusted & Believed CCP Sure to be Disappointed again & again
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H.S Ng 07/01/2021
which part says that hah? I Google translate oso never got that translation ley?