SingapoRediscovers voucher bookings valid till end-March 2022
The Straits Times - Singapore·2021-11-22 16:02
SINGAPORE - Singaporeans can use their SingapoRediscovers Vouchers (SRV) for eligible attractions, hotels and tours until March 31 next year, but bookings must still be made by Dec 31 this year.
The Singapore Tourism Board (STB) said on Monday (Nov 22) the extension will give Singaporeans more time to enjoy the vouchers.
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live life freely 24/11/2021
how n where can we ask for assistance to donate out to the less privileged group can go to c.c to do it with their help
6606发发发 24/11/2021
Singapore Refiscovrrs vouchers were originally ended in June 2021 but further extended to end Dec instead as majority of Singsporeans have yet to utilise the vouchers. Now that end Dec 2021 is approaching and government noticed that there were still many Singaporeans yet to use it.
U7serey4k 24/11/2021
want to collect at CC but itd closed before i can collect after work haiya..
loveislove 23/11/2021
Thank you for extending the dates for the Rediscover Vouchers. Will definitely utilise it with my love ones.
One-stop lifestyle app dedicated to making life in Singapore a breeze!
Lily ong 26/11/2021
Vouchers (SRV) for eligible attractions, hotels and tours until March 31 next year, but bookings must still be made by Dec 31 this year. The Singapore Tourism Board (STB) said on Monday (Nov 22) the extension will give Singaporeans more time to enjoy the vouchers.