Slack's Controversial New Redesign Solves Its Biggest Problem

Slack's Controversial New Redesign Solves Its Biggest Problem

Inc. SE Asia·2023-09-07 15:00

Last month, Slack started rolling out what is arguably its biggest redesign ever. The company last gave its software a facelift in 2020, early in the pandemic, but that was mostly about giving you the ability to organize channels and favorites. As for the new update? Judging by reaction online, it's not going over well.

Part of that, I'm sure, is that most people just don't like change. Once you're used to the way a particular piece of software works, you want it to work that way forever. Or you at least want it to continue working that way until you find where it doesn't meet your needs, and then you want it to change only to fix whatever problem you have.


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