So Rishi Sunak has killed off your favourite trainers – here’s six alternatives

So Rishi Sunak has killed off your favourite trainers – here’s six alternatives

Yahoo Lifestyle - Style·2024-04-09 17:02


How did you offload yours? Did you bury them ceremoniously in the garden? Perhaps you flogged them on Vinted, donated them to Oxfam or, ever the optimist, consigned them to the back of the wardrobe for a few months/years /millennia, in the hope that one day they’ll be cool again. It’s not going to happen. Even if Adidas signed Bob Dylan, Zinedine Zedane and Cillian Murphy as brand ambassadors, it wouldn’t be enough to rehabilitate the Samba, one of the UK’s most popular and ubiquitous trainers. Or at least they were, until approximately 3pm on Friday 5th April, when Rishi Sunak killed the style stone dead, sending millions into a wardrobe crisis, just in time for the weekend.


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