Someone Finally Won $1.3B Powerball Jackpot

Someone Finally Won $1.3B Powerball Jackpot

Newser - Lottery Winner·2024-04-08 01:00


A Powerball player in Oregon won a jackpot worth more than $1.3 billion on Sunday, reports the AP, ending a winless streak that had stretched more than three months. The single ticket matched all six numbers drawn to win the jackpot worth $1.326 billion, Powerball said in a statement. The jackpot has a cash value of $621 million if the winner chooses to take a lump sum rather than an annuity paid over 30 years, with an immediate payout followed by 29 annual installments. The prize is subject to federal taxes, while many states also tax lottery winnings. The winning numbers drawn early Sunday were: 22, 27, 44, 52, 69, and the red Powerball 9.


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