Sora Ma managed to keep her husband's identity a secret even after their wedding dinner
Mothership - Lifestyle·2022-07-27 12:07
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Singapore-based Malaysian actress Sora Ma has gotten married to her long-time beau.
The pair started dating in March 2013 and got engaged in 2018.
……Read full article on Mothership - Lifestyle
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User patrick 28/07/2022
remain as secret lo
Tony Tan8490 28/07/2022
Firstly who is she in the first place. Very famous here in showbiz as I rarely watch local production except CNA However I believe her husband must be rich enough to afford all these wedding arrangement especially intending to held twice in different countries
Userez9v reply Tony Tan8490 28/07/2022
I never understand men marrying SG based actresses especially rich men.
Watcher 28/07/2022
who cares abt yr husband...
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Userf01d 29/07/2022
Husband make of diamonds hehe