Spider-Man 2099 Faces the Galactic Goblin for the Fate of the 2099 Universe (Exclusive)

Spider-Man 2099 Faces the Galactic Goblin for the Fate of the 2099 Universe (Exclusive)

Comic Book·2022-09-02 13:04

The fate of Marvel's 2099 futuristic universe hangs in the balance as an old rivalry takes on an all-new shape. Writer Steve Orlando and artist Paul Fry kicked off the Marvel event series featuring the future Spider-Man in May's Spider-Man 2099: Exodus Alpha #1. In subsequent issues, Miguel O'Hara has teamed up with the X-Men 2099 to fight off the evil Cabal, who are attempting to acquire powers from a Celestial Garden. Leading the Cabal is Norman Osborn, a longtime foe of Peter Parker's Spider-Man. With both armies prepared for battle, Spider-Man 2099 and Norman Osborn's Galactic Goblin face off for all the marbles.


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