Spotlight on Sarawak’s heritage

Spotlight on Sarawak’s heritage

The Star Online - News·2023-05-03 14:01

KUCHING: A 140-year-old keringkam shawl, which once belonged to Ranee Margaret – the wife of Sarawak’s second White Rajah Charles Brooke – will be shown at the London Craft Week, showcasing the traditional embroidery of Sarawak’s Malay community.

The shawl is now in the collection of the Brooke Trust, a British charity set up by descendants of the Brooke family.

Shimmer and shine: The 140-year-old keringkam which will be displayed at the London Craft Week.

“We were invited to send one of Ranee Margaret’s keringkam for display as a showpiece in the Malaysian exhibition led by the Raja Permaisuri Agong at London Craft Week.

“This is an opportunity where Sarawak’s heritage will be getting the spotlight at a big international event and we’re happy to be supporting it,” says Brooke Trust chairman Jason Brooke.

He added that Ranee Margaret was known as a patron of keringkam and songket.

Some of her pieces are displayed at the Ranee Museum in Kuching, set up by the trust five years ago.

Ranee Museum manager Liza Sideni, who will present workshops on keringkam at London Craft Week, said it was an honour to share Sarawak’s heritage craft on the world stage.


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