Taiwanese singer liu wen-cheng passes away aged 70 in US due to heart attack
MustShareNews·2023-02-15 20:01
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Veteran Taiwanese singer Liu Wen-Cheng (刘文正) passed away last November, sources confirmed on Wednesday (15 Feb).
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Userh6jy 18/02/2023
台湾歌星刘文正 passes away aged 70 in US due to heart attack
Userjl9x 17/02/2023
Wong Tuck Seng 16/02/2023
A vert good mando pop singer. Yes, almost never heard of him in many years. They get to live live away from the limelight. If he was not famous before, no one would even bother to learn about his demise. RIP to L W C.
Ah Keng 16/02/2023
Good morning, and 🌞早上好😘[HAPPY]
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G Master 20/02/2023
为什么假新闻沒被下架还到处传呢! 祝福您长命百岁。