Tan Cheng Bock slams Chan Chun Sing’s ‘political ploy’: “don’t use those old arguments in trying to convince Singaporeans”
The Independent - Singapore·2020-07-03 19:02
Progress Singapore Party (PSP) chief Tan Cheng Bock said on July 3 that it is “very unlikely” that the People’s Action Party (PAP) would be ousted from government after the general election (GE), and that the ruling party should not try to fool or frighten voters into thinking this could happen.
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鬼笔 | Pen Gui 09/07/2020
无论选民选的是令国人”必担心”的反对党,或者是把民生问题当作”遊戏机”反復把玩的反对党,或者是喜欢散佈假讯息的反对党,或者是其党员曾多次跳槽在各党之间有如玩水漂的反对党,又或者是冬眠了四年才剛苏醒的反对党,新加坡的确是不会因而灭亡(除非有人卖国求荣),但国人必须接受由三大反对党组织“联合政府”治理的新加坡,而这种“三国鼎立”的政府是否对人民及民生有利或利多于弊呢?这是选民必须谨慎思考的问题。 一个将会让选民必担心的情况是“联合政府”执政以后,內阁成员各怀鬼胎,勾心斗角,为各自政党的利益算计同僚,而不把全副心思精力放在治理国家上,邻国的联盟团队执政至今仍然乱糟糟的实例可让国人借鉴。这种“权宜政府”只是一群由各反对党组成的乌合之众,没有治理国家的经验,对各部门的统筹和運作,完全没有实质经验。至今还没有一个反对党能提出具体的计划如何实现他们对选民的承诺就可見一斑。反观在届执政党已经为他们精心挑选的第四代接班人作好了交接的准备,他们都通过统筹及管理训练,到各部门轮过崗,由资深部长带领了解各部门的運作。相比之下,由于反对党的“联合政府”欠缺这方面的培训,这批全新的领导班子在治理囯家土,恐怕会手足无措不知从何下手,尤其是接手管控冠病疫情,將会像当初接管市镇会的反对党,在運作上有一段长时间青黄不接。由于反对党的“联合政府”缼乏治理囯家的经验,犯的错误恐怕会比在届执政党更多更严重。 我认为线上竞选广播,比以往各政党的现場群众大会,更能让选民客观地看出所追捧的”明星”候选人及他们所带团队的每名候选人素质的优劣。选民大略可看出能撑大局的反对党候选人寥寥无几,其餘的可说是滥竿充数。选民因此必须在投下支持票或同情票之前客观谨慎的评估每一名政党候选人的素质及能力后才作取舍,事关您及您后代的福址,千万不要感情用事,以免一失手而成千古恨。 这只是老头子的一些个人浅见,不求认同,只 为分享,亦非针对任何人事物,请不要对号入座。
justices 08/07/2020
Well said Tan Cheng Bock.....you really nail it at the right spot or the weakness of PAP. Farther more, what you disseminated is facts and they’re using political fear tactic......like LKY time—the Malaysian communist fear.....then the merger fear always instilling fear in citizens for political gains. One point you put in is very sneered and truth....if change of political party, the country still runs with the civil servant intact and functioning because they work for the country not the political party or the ruling party though there may some inclination to side......you know who. Valid points taken and thank you Tan Chee Bock. I also do not submit to psychological blackmail...and will definitely vote for your team at least your team didn’t call us “idiots”😞😞😞😞😞😱😱😱😱”
Userfaf0 08/07/2020
In every country there will be super loyal supporters of the Govt so there is no point in having debate among ourselves as to which party is good or bad. We just have to leave those loyal supporters alone and some day when they are finally awake, they will be bitterly disappointed with the PAP Govt. All we have to do now is to do our part as voters in our respective areas and let the results speak for themselves. We cannot force people to support opposition parties if they do not want to. Some people will only come to their senses only when situations strike them or their family.
Inspiration man 08/07/2020
He is one of those military trained.. Unlike Dr Tan.
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sunnytan 19/11/2020
Why is this clip still resurfacing, election is over, citizens know Ruling Party will still be Gov't whatever percentage they get. Whichever Opposition parties are in, for them is citizens wants a second voice as a voice representing citizens. I dare to say, citizens still has faith and trust with present Ruling Party, and enjoy how we have develope from a SMALL DOT to a recognise city around the world.