The ‘Freaky Friday’ Sequel Will Have Even More Body Swapping Than The Original, According To Newly Revealed Plot Details

The ‘Freaky Friday’ Sequel Will Have Even More Body Swapping Than The Original, According To Newly Revealed Plot Details

Uproxx - News·2024-04-02 07:00

Are you confused about TikTok but still take the time to share nostalgia-ridden memes on Instagram? Do you get warm and fuzzy feelings thinking about old co-stars reuniting? Do you feel like the Crypt Keeper lately? Congrats! You’re getting old. It happens to us all, though you probably thought it wouldn’t catch up with you. As you get old, you begin to realize that sequels aren’t totally necessary, but they do give you a chance to relive your childhood, so sure, why shouldn’t we get another go at a 20-year-old movie?


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