The Best Pop Bands of All Time Prove the Universal Power of Music

The Best Pop Bands of All Time Prove the Universal Power of Music

Esquire-Entertainment·2021-01-31 05:00


Let’s cut to the chorus: “Pop music” is a very subjective genre description. It’s right up there with “indie” being liberally applied to any unsigned, signed, underground, or mainstream artist who sings in cursive. And, although a rock and roll fan might swear off pop as a genre, the distinction isn’t as cookie-cutter clear as it seems.

In simple terms, pop music is literally… popular music. And, though our perception of the genre has evolved over time to become its own entity—marked by catchy melodies, unforgettable choruses, and rather saccharine lyrics—pop music, as it stands, is still just… popular music. You can't deny that.


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