We’ve covered this topic more than once over the years, so here’s all our coverage combined into one extended video!
As fun as it is to watch a great movie, there’s no guarantee that you’ll walk out of the theater feeling good yourself. Here are a few fantastic flicks where the last few minutes are so monumentally depressing that they’re almost guaranteed to wring a few tears from the audience.
#Movie #Endings #Heartbreaking
He was my brother | 0:00
I had a date | 1:14
Glorious deaths in a historic battle | 2:16
A detective's regrets | 3:30
Caesar is home | 4:35
He was my father | 5:37
Monster and man | 6:42
The T-800 says goodbye | 7:50
One last Ram Jam | 9:16
Back to the Blue Bayou | 10:26
Maggie's last moments | 11:16
Grizzly Man | 12:43
An enchanting old ruin | 13:34
Abandoned | 15:01
What could've been | 16:21
Logan's last stand | 17:11
The snap | 19:17
Ghostjacker13 05/10/2023
oh I'm going down, so fast Doctor doctor, please Oh, I'm going down fast 🌹