Uthaya Sankar pivots from Malay to English in new book

Uthaya Sankar pivots from Malay to English in new book

Free Malaysia Today - Home Lifestyle·2023-05-30 08:02

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Malay literature veteran, brings his collection of transcreated stories to English-speaking readers for the first time.

Uthaya Sankar SB is the renowned Malaysian author behind ‘The Painted Cat’. (Muhaimin Marwan @ FMT Lifestyle)

PETALING JAYA: Renowned Malaysian author Uthaya Sankar SB is embarking on a significant literary journey, breaking away from three decades of writing exclusively in Bahasa Malaysia.

In a recent interview with FMT, Uthaya expressed his long-standing desire to reach a wider audience with his stories.

“I’ve attended various international events over the years and had the opportunity to interact with authors from all over the world,” he shared.

“When I tell them about my stories, they’re impressed and say, ‘Oh, I’d love to read your stories one day’.”

Exclusive reveal of the cover of Uthaya’s upcoming novel, ‘The Painted Cat’. (Uthaya Sankar SB pic)

Motivated by the growing interest for his work, Uthaya made the bold decision to switch to English for his upcoming novel, ‘The Painted Cat’.

“It has always been in the back of my mind, so I thought, you know what, it’s time that I write in English,” he said.

To do this, he transcreated a collection of his already published works, giving them new life in English.

This unique approach, as Uthaya explained, involves more than a word-for-word translation. “I call it transcreated because it isn’t translated word by word,” he clarified.

For this ambitious endeavour, Uthaya collaborated with a team of talented writers, including Lalitha Sinha, Nanthini Muniapan, Pragalath Kumar, and Roshini Muniam.

Each of them handpicked ten of his previously published stories which they personally resonated with for his new project. ‘The Painted Cat’ is the result of their combined efforts.

Uthaya is the founder of Kavyan that is dedicated to empowering Indian writers in Malay literature. (Muhaimin Marwan @ FMT Lifestyle)

He said past translations of his works by other writers were less than satisfactory as they failed to capture the essence of his storytelling. “It was very much word by word, almost like Google Translate.”

Determined to avoid such shortcomings in ‘The Painted Cat’, Uthaya actively involved himself in the transcreation process.

“Now, I am very happy to say that the stories within this book, both the ones I have personally worked on and those crafted by my fellow writers, have kept true to my original intentions and the message I wanted to get across.”

Uthaya said writing exclusively in Malay throughout his career was a conscious decision.

“There is a severe shortage of Indian authors who write in Bahasa Malaysia. The number is somewhere around 70 writers from 1930 until 2021,” he said.

Driven by a vision to empower minority communities and celebrate their stories in Malay, Uthaya established Kavyan, a dedicated group of Indian writers who embrace Malay literature as a medium to enrich the diverse tapestry of local literature.

Despite writing in Malay for most of his life, Uthaya said that his thinking process has always been in English.

“I always think in English and write in Malay.” This natural connection to the language, he said, made the transition feel effortless.

A collection of Uthaya’s popular novels about Indian culture, written in Malay. (Muhaimin Marwan @ FMT Lifestyle)

When asked about his personal favourite, Uthaya responded with endearing sincerity.

“This is the toughest question,” he confessed. “It is going to sound cliché, but it is like asking a mother who her favourite child is. All my books are my favourite.”

However, Uthaya did reveal that it was always the book he was currently working on that became his favourite, at least for that period of time. “So, right now, I would have to say that ‘The Painted Cat,’ holds a special place in my heart.”

Born and raised in Taiping, he said he has always been passionate about writing and exploring Indian communities and cultures although his real literary journey began while studying in Universiti Malaya.

His dedication to showcasing Indian culture within the context of Malaysian literature is a significant aspect of his work.

One story in ‘The Painted Cat’ called ‘Nayagi, The Mistress of Destiny’ received first prize in the Hadiah Cerpen Maybank-DBP competition in 1992.

“In this story I touched on the complexities and conflicts within a large Indian family, and the dichotomy between those anchored to their Indian heritage and those embracing their Malaysian identity,” he explained.

“The Painted Cat” not only marks Uthaya’s transition to English writing but also serves as a testament to his unwavering commitment to sharing authentic stories that delve into seldom-discussed topics, including culture, religion, race, language, and literature.

Through this collection, he said he hoped to captivate readers, both those who have enjoyed his stories in Malay and those seeking literature that transcends language barriers.

‘The Painted Cat’ is to be published in July 2023. Stay updated through his blog or follow him of Instagram.
