Veteran s’pore actress chen mei guang passes away, one regret was not winning star awards
MustShareNews·2020-11-09 20:00
The passing of monumental figures in the entertainment industry often evoke much grief among fans. One such individual Singapore lost recently is veteran actress and singer Chen Mei Guang.
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fuqaimi 13/11/2020
may the almighty bless your soul.take care
Kwok Hing Yuen 12/11/2020
No doubt not winning star awards, she's still popular veteran s'pore actress whom we would always remember her.
BTB 11/11/2020
We will always remember you... RIP.
Sam Tan7653 11/11/2020
She's known to be a very humble & good actress. RIP.
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Good luck 0716 14/11/2020
rest in peace after so long of singing...may god bless you in another world.