WATCH: Bus captain driving service 975 bus records videos showing how creepy Lim Chu Kang roads can get at night!
Mothership - News·2022-04-22 20:28
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TikTok is everywhere and a bus driver in Singapore has been using it to educate and entertain since January 2021.
Going by the @yourbuscaptain handle, he uploaded a video on April 20 showing a particular bus route on service 975 towards Lim Chu Kang that will give people goosebumps.
He drives that bus.
……Read full article on Mothership - News
Singapore Transport Lifestyle
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半颗糖 27/04/2022
There are manybunknown amd science could not explained.
Panda John Koh reply 半颗糖 27/04/2022
Most importantly, if you have not done harm or bad thing to other people then conscience is clear you will not be fearful ☺️.
Panda John Koh reply Panda John Koh 27/04/2022
There are more than one world, the earthly one which we live in, the other one, the spiritual and maybe another one more.which we may not know and Importantly stay within your domain/space/movement, things will be fine🤔☺️.
半颗糖 reply Panda John Koh 27/04/2022
Yaya, 平时不做亏心事,半夜敲门也不静。 可能也有一个平行世界。。。
old lady 27/04/2022
no choice ma bus company never pay bills
Kim Leng Cheng 26/04/2022
WATCH: bus captain driving service 975 bus records videos showing how creepy Lim chu kang roads can get at night Install more street lights.. 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻➕👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻➕👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 All thank to bus captain 🦾➕💪🏻➕👍🏻➕👏🏻
Userg4tg 26/04/2022
More street lights should set up along the road so as to help the poor drivers can see the road clearly Or they can cancel that particular route since its so dark
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Tan Tow Kim Eric 27/04/2022
Always expect the unexpected 👻👻👻