Singapore Uncensored·2024-04-03 19:05

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I choose male prostitution over dating and I have no regrets.nsfwI’m (2XF) a mother of two. I married the first man who took my virginity, just like I planned.

We divorced when he cheated on me. I knew that I will never marry again, this experience is obviously common but it shattered my trust in relationship.

I have a time consuming job who is incompatible with dating and meet new people, I also have motherhood responsabilities and I would rather spend time and money on my kids happiness than chasing men.

Anyway, both my work and being a mother are deal breaker for lot of single men, let’s not kids ourselves.

I would have deal with abstinence if I was older but damn, not bragging, in term of self confidence and physical health I’m in my peak. AND I WANT TO ENJOY IT. Didn’t spend so much money in gym and get on diets to be a nun.

But you most likely guessed by now I have a bigger issue: I just don’t trust men, anymore and I have neither the the time and motivation to learn to trust one. Especially for casual relations. I want something simple and there is only one way to have it simple.

Once per month, I spent £300-450 ~ with male prostitute. It’s for intercourse, mostly but I enjoy the attention, the cuddles and kisses. Since he is professional, feelings are out of the table and I prefer savings money for my children so I don’t see him more than once monthly.

And that’s the less problematic relationship I ever had. There is no drama, he respects my boundaries, listen to what I say and I feel like I won the lottery.

I don’t even have to tell about my sentimental life, nobody ask me more than once when I say I went through a divorce.

Another bonus is the double standard who play in my favour: I don’t feel ashamed or guilty, we basically ignored in that field.

We all know how men who see prostitutes are perceived as horny pervers who see women as products and are taking advantage of desperate vulnerable women. It may be true for a significant amount of them, those criticisms are valid and I admit it, I would always be wary with men who pay for it (before you call me out for my hypocrisy, I had this stand the same way as most of us, those men are hardly respected by the general consensus and I do admit that I have a irrational distrust of men in general)

but I’m actually convinced that most of them just admitted sooner what I realized: I just want to satisfy my physical needs and get attention and feel attractive without the risk of heartbreak, loss of self confidence, without the dreads and regrets.

Something simple.

I understand that is a shady profession with lot of moral and legal challenges and that’s NOT the place to argue about pro or against.

I’m, in my experience, satisfied and happy with it. Far from the stereotypes I believed before and was ideal for what I needed.

I keep my independence, have time for my family and is satisfied. All wins in my book.