Warhammer 40K Kill Team set includes miniature miniatures for your miniatures

Warhammer 40K Kill Team set includes miniature miniatures for your miniatures

Polygon·2023-02-14 12:01

Let it never be said that the folks behind Warhammer 40,000 don’t have a sense of humor.

While Games Workshop’s institutional ability to always play it straight is well known, sometimes to its detriment, the goofs that its corporate edifice allows to be made are often some of the best in gaming. If you need proof, look no further than the Chaos Noise Marine, a goof that cost thousands of dollars in tooling and is now celebrating its third decade of relevance. Let us also never forget the one time Games Workshop rebranded water to “WAR”ter, or that the canonical name the angriest character in its entire universe: Angron. Now Games Workshop has elected to make fans smile again, and it might just be the company’s most inside in-joke yet.


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