Whole entire high rise building caught on fire
Singapore Uncensored·2021-06-19 12:01
non Finance, non loan, non property, non banking, non credit card
An entire high rise building was seen on fire, burning from the ground level all the way to the top of the building.
Thick black smoke could be seen billowing out of the raging inferno and rising all the way up to the skies.
……Read full article on Singapore Uncensored
Fire News Singapore
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Usere19h 21/06/2021
Fire come from ground level that's why fire so fierce burn up to top level.
Good luck 0716 20/06/2021
jus think, fire can be at certain floor or area. how to hve fire in entire building.
Kim Leng Cheng 20/06/2021
Speedy recovery soon
Usergl69 20/06/2021
so scary ! 真的是一場好可怕的火災!
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mlm 23/06/2021
🤔🤔 insurance scam??