Woman finds GrabFood order 'sent to the floor' with Starbucks drinks thrown on ground
Stomp·2022-04-25 17:05
A woman was frustrated when she ordered seven drinks only to find them strewn on the ground near her condominium.
The disappointed customer shared her experience on her business page, Misshopper Boutique on Facebook.
She said she had a gathering with friends on Saturday night (Apr 23) and had ordered seven drinks from Starbucks via GrabFood.
The total cost for the order was $62.90.
"The order was marked delivered but I did not receive any," she said.
She called the delivery rider multiple times but could not get through and said that she got no response from Grab either.
"We were still worried if the driver had lost his way or had anything happen to him," she said.
"Guess what and where my order went?
"Sent to the floor."
She shared photos of empty Starbucks cups lying on a pathway near her condominium.
She added her friends ended up cleaning the mess the rider had made and that her card was charged despite never receiving the order.
"Mistakes are always forgivable, if one has the courage to admit them," she said.
……Complaint Singapore
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Useribf6, wilson 27/04/2022
Gosh !!! The GrabFood delivery Guy didn't send to the Customer's home.What had happen 😕 between he and the Customer's. Throw everything on the ground. He get paid for that's sort of behaviour. A disgrace to us all.
Derek handsome 27/04/2022
hello customer... you must have make the driver very angry with you with nasty comment I guess....dun worry grab will paid u back and call the driver to find out more.....dun alway blame delivery driver....and dun post and make people life difficult......u are rich and dunno how hard Is delivery riders job per day...rain and shine work like hell in order to bring home 100 or slightly more hour if clock in 11 hours per day.
向钱看起 27/04/2022
Why pay for food delivery, can go out for drinks Singapore is just a small country food is just a couple of steps away .
boy1975 26/04/2022
so she wan wat?? compensate ?? nvr drink starbuck can cause death?? ok la so how much she wan?? 1 million?
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Idler 28/04/2022
"seven drinks from Starbucks via GrabFood. The total cost for the order was $62.90" Wow crazy rich people 😲