Wong Kim Hoh meets Tan Kim Siong and the Fei Siong Group

Wong Kim Hoh meets Tan Kim Siong and the Fei Siong Group

The Straits Times·2021-01-03 12:01

Tan Kim Siong left school at 15. He started with just one fishball noodle stall yet with the help of his two brothers and a business partner, he created a $150m a year food empire with brands like Malaysia Boleh!, Nam Kee Pau and Encik Tan.SUBSCRIBE ➤ http://bit.ly/FollowST--------------------WEBSITE ➤ http://www.straitstimes.comTWITTER ➤ https://www.twitter.com/straits_timesFACEBOOK ➤ https://www.facebook.com/TheStraitsTimesINSTAGRAM ➤ https://www.instagram.com/straits_timesPODCASTS ➤ https://www.straitstimes.com/tags/st-podcastsTELEGRAM ➤ https://t.me/TheStraitsTimesThe Straits Times, the English flagship daily of SPH, has been serving readers for more than a century. Launched on July 15, 1845, its comprehensive coverage of world news, East Asian news, Southeast Asian news, home news, sports news, financial news and lifestyle updates makes The Straits Times the most-read newspaper in Singapore.