Xin Peng La Mian Xiao Long Bao, Clementi: Shandong Fried Dumplings wins best-for-last seal of approval

Xin Peng La Mian Xiao Long Bao, Clementi: Shandong Fried Dumplings wins best-for-last seal of approval·2022-04-12 12:20

When it comes to hawker food, we all have our favourites. Mine’s always been a hearty platter of dumplings, and it’s for that reason why I made my way down to the West, to see if Xin Peng La Mian Xiao Long Bao could wow me away with theirs.

What I tried

It’s literally in their name—Xin Peng La Mian Xiao Long Bao—so if I didn’t give their Shanghai Xiao Long Bao (S$4) a shot, would my visit even count? It definitely falls under the category of affordable hawker fare, especially since these steamed meat dumplings are significantly larger than the ones I’m used to seeing.


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