hd bishan rd lorry lim kim huat construction beating redlight hit SBS Transit Bus Service
ERP is watching·2020-01-16 20:50
16jan2020bishan road multi view in hdlorry from lim kim huat construction beating redlight and got hit by SBS Transit Bus Service
Singapore Traffic
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Diana Poon Tearpock 20/01/2020
Well these cameras really is great in court for This case. Hope everyone on the bus is not hurt. Big big law suit!!
Dajal Xiao 20/01/2020
Sorry is my mistake he beat red light😂😂😂😂😂
Dajal Xiao 20/01/2020
The traffic light spoil all turn to red so don any how say beat red light check before u give fake new to others..
Sally 0410 20/01/2020
Foreign worker not familiar with our road should really slow down
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مصباح الفلاح والإصلاح 21/01/2020
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