‘I am very sorry’: cheng li Hui’s resignation letter in full
MustShareNews·2023-07-17 16:01
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On Monday (17 July), the Prime Minister’s Office announced that Tampines GRC MP Cheng Li Hui had submitted her resignation letter to Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong.
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Blund 20/07/2023
哈哈 says sorry after being caught… totally insincere
Don Don8679 19/07/2023
Got married should be faithful.
刘婷宣 19/07/2023
Study so high most important never steal other husband and break up their family . Karma will be here and you are MP so should not lay your body on someone that is married . People have a loving family and you ruin it . Study so much but brain still want to be small three . Better after resignation you can stay away from someone husband . You look pretty why must steal someone husband ? Please find your mr right and not ruin other family . Never be a small three . Ruining a family is a big karma
Lim Chun kiat 19/07/2023
No need to say sry to us..U shld knw who U shld say to. We understand yr plight..
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Userftd7 21/07/2023
you betrayed your family and that's the most sad part as a mother and wife could have done