“Dr Huang Chih-Mei, wife of SDP’s Chee Soon Juan: “Please don’t lose heart on Singapore”
The Independent - Singapore·2020-07-04 12:01
In a candid Facebook take-over, Dr Huang Chih-Mei, wife of Singapore Democratic Party (SDP) leader Dr Chee Soon Juan, has shared an encouraging message for SDP supporters amid Singapore’s 2020 General Elections (GE).
Dr Huang published a message to SDP supporters via the Facebook page of Dr Chee, beginning with sharing her perspective on the struggle her husband of 30 years is no stranger to. Citing Dr Chee’s bankruptcy dilemma a few years ago, she offered Singaporeans an up-close look into the SDP leader’s resolve.
……Read full article on The Independent - Singapore
Singapore Politics
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hry 08/07/2020
u keep saying he stare at you if you never stare at him how you know he was staring at you,
WTH 08/07/2020
Vote wisely, don't turn Singapore to another USA (their people "new try" - Donald Trump won the election, then now the country is in trouble, the people are living in the hell now because their President ).... Must compare the parties on their contributions to the society, don't choose the one good in talking only.
blurfallas 07/07/2020
Why stare here stare there and end up in hospital or jail le. Everyone wear sunglasses go out solve problem liao
b h sim 07/07/2020
The reason the way he look at u cause your face looks ugly la. U shock him not the other way round !
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Useret6t 10/07/2020
it will be a good day for all opposition party tomorrow the to remember. a wind of change.
day to remember.